Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weight loss part 1

First off, I weighed 150 when I got pregnant, and 190 when I had 80 back in November.  I lost 20 of those pounds without doing any work, it was nice but I plateaued at 170.  Before I joined SSM in March, I had started a pretty strict 1800 calorie diet (1200 with 500 added for breastfeeding) I was walking before SSM, and then when I started SSM I started running on my off days. Here I am in my rolly glory.  It's not bad, at 6' tall I'm still within my normal BMI, but let's face it, it's a far cry from my ideal.  My goal weight is 150, and my icing weight would be 140.

Ok, I am mentally wrestling with myself to even post these pictures, but here goes.
 Fast forward a bit, I turned my ankle in April, and dropped the runs between workouts.  I also severely cut back what I was doing at SSM since a lot of the exercises required jumping and twisting.
So the result is that after 2 and half months I'm the same weight. Though I think I'm wearing it a little tighter.  I blame a combo of age and breastfeeding.  I've since added cycling between SSM classes, but have only been doing that for 2 weeks, and it's only for ~3.5 miles around my neighborhood.  Hardly a stressful workout though I am pulling 80 in his bike trailer!
I have been using MapMyFitness app on my android phone to track my route, it tells me my average speeds and elevation, and it obviously maps my route via live GPS.  I am not too thrilled with its analysis feature though, it has consistently told me that I am, at times, travelling 500mph.  I chose it because you can switch between a variety of workouts and it tracks them all, cycling, running, walking, hiking, even swimming.  My second reason for choosing it was that my cell phone is due for upgrade mid July and I fully intend to replace my POS android phone with an iphone, so I wanted a program that was cross platform.

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