Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 month Physical Development

When 80 was still in the NICU, I did a lot of research on chronological development.  I found through their youtube channel.  They have a whole host of developmental videos but for the interest of this subject I'm referring to this one

It compares Marty, a typical 4 month old (there are also 2 month and 6 month with the same 2 babies) and Owen an atypical (developmentally delayed) child, doing the same exercises.  I used this video as a basis for this video of 80 who was 5 months adjusted at the time.

If you sat through both videos then congratulations!  The first one is long, and the second one is boring!  Anyway, you can see that even at 5 months 80 is not quite up to par with a normal 4 month old.  The good news is that he is not totally deficient in any areas, he is at worst (in my motherly opinion) 50%.  He is now enrolled in physical therapy and we are working with him, double time!