Friday, June 21, 2013

Adrian / AdyBob / 80

Everyone asks why I call Adrian "80", at least those who see it written.  Phonetically it sounds like "Aydee"   which is the first part of AdyBob, a nickname he got from his cousin NatyBob (Nathan Robert).  The Adrian of Adrian Robert came from my husbands great grandfather.  The Robert is my now deceased FIL's middle name (he was John Robert).  My niece Catherine noticed that ADY sounded like the number 80.  I thought it was so clever I adopted it.

When 80 was born we hadn't picked out a name yet, we were both on the fence about Adrian, we both liked it but neither of us were wild about it.  80 was such a surprise that we both more concerned with his health than his name.  Andrew went with my mother directly to the NICU hospital from the airport (he had been visiting TX for Thanksgiving) while I stayed in the birth hospital.  The doctors asked him at the NICU what his name was, he said Adrian Robert.  I didn't have any objections and thus it became his name.

There was a bit of confusion when it came to filling out the birth forms.  I wanted to make sure that Robert was the middle name Andrew had chosen, and wasn't a product of playing grade school Telephone through Andrew, my parents, and me.  If you ask my dad he will tell you this conversation:

Me: I don't know what to put for middle name
Dad: I thought it was Robert?
Me: Um, says WHO?

Which is more or less how it happened.

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