Saturday, June 22, 2013

March 2013

I had made the decision back in February that I was going to start meeting new people.  Actually my mom had harassed me since we moved for not going out and making connections. My first step was attending a meetup with other wives of Andrews troop.  There I heard about Stroller Strong Moms (SSM) from my FRG leader Kelli, which I had decided to join in March.  I did and it has been great.  I had been walking on my own before I joined, and once I joined I also started the couch to 5k running plan again.  I had done it last year before I found out I was pregnant and really liked it.  My goal was to be able to run a 5k by my birthday. Since the c25k plan is 9 weeks it would be perfect.

80 continued to improve, he started smiling, cooing, and this cute little "inside out" laugh where he breathes in instead of out.  I call it his Nerd Laugh because it reminds me of the tall guy with glasses from Revenge of the Nerds.  


I have been wrestling with Babies Cant Wait, the GA early intervention program, since January.  Basically 80s caseworker is irresponsible, unprofessional, and has no business working in her field. If you want to be in public service and ignore the needs of your clients, go work at the DMV or the county tax commissioner!

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