Thursday, July 4, 2013

Backyard Critters

I have 4 feeders in my back yard.  I only use 2 kinds of seed at the moment because I think suet wouldn't do well during this season since there is so much rain.  Normally we get cardinals, house finches, house sparrows, the occasional tufted titmouse and surprisingly... a red bellied woodpecker.  I added a flat tray feeder this year, originally with dried meal worms hoping to attract the many bluebirds that live around my neighbors house.  But none ever came and the meal worms were getting nasty so I replaced it with seed.  Since then it's been feeding a bunch of Mourning Doves.  They just stand on the tray and eat, which I don't mind except they scare away other birds and poop in the tray.

The other day I saw a larger, paler dove on my feeder.  A quick google search revealed that it is most likely a Eurasian Collared Dove, though it could be a feral Barbary Dove (domestic dove).  I'm not an ornithologist, they look the same to me and and wikipedia were not helpful.  There was only one, and he hasn't been back.  

Here you can see it next to a normal Mourning Dove.  It was obviously larger, and more grey than the Mourning Dove.

 Here is a Tufted Titmouse and a cheeky little squirrel.  He climbs up the pole to get to that feeder.  There is another feeder, identical, that is closer to the ground but he likes to work for his meals I guess.

A rather ratty looking Cardinal.

Finally, while photographing the new dove, movement in the corner of my yard caught my eye.  It was two of The Ferals!  (Our neighbor feeds these guys, there are quite a few)  The grey one is Tic Toc.  She was a kitten last year.  I haven't seen her mother Tinkerbell at all since Adrian was born in November.  I don't know who Tic Tocs father is, but I saw her mother, Tinkerbell, do the nasty in our backyard while she was still a kitten with a large male I call "Big Fuzzy".  Big Fuzzy has also done the deed with Tic Toc here, and I am 99.9% sure that this new kitten is his baby.  Big Fuzzy is a large long haired cat that is white with brown and fawn splotches, not unlike the white kitten you see below.  The kitten appears to be short haired though.

I call the kitten Radagast.  After the naturalist wizard in The Hobbit movie.  Why Radagast?  Because of the "poo" on his head.  Radagast is almost a "Van Pattern" cat (think Turkish Van).  This means that he is completely white except for a colored tail and a little color between the ears.  He only has the color behind the one ear though.  His bicolor is grey instead of black, and his tail is mackerel tabby patterned. He appears to have green eyes.
I don't actually know if Radagast is male or female.  I probably never will.  Whatever shklee is shklee will probably move along when it gets older.  Our yard belongs to Tic Toc, and occasionally Big Fuzzy (much to the nightly distress of our cats who are trapped on the back porch and must suffer the injustice).

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